

Ara was on duty and she was busy reading when she felt someone sitting in the chair in front of her.

Jenny's heart sank quickly after she inhaled a familiar scent of men's cologne. But despite her desire to look up to smile at him, she chose not to. It's not that she's narrow-minded but she's still really upset about him because for a few days he's been angry for a reason that he doesn't explain.

"Sweetheart," he whispered to her with that familiar endearment, and whether she would admit it or not she really loved hearing that from the young man.

She did not say a word. She also did not move and instead remained reading the book in front of her. But during that very moment, Jenny knew and could feel the intense romance thrill. Sometimes it's good to play a little hard to get so that the man can be challenged a bit.

"Pay attention to me," Jason pleaded then stood up and moved to the seat next to her. "I'm sorry, I'm just really concerned about you," he insisted in a low tone as he bowed to her.

At that time, Jenny decided to talk to the young man. "I'm not doing anything bad. And I don't have a crush on Leo, I don't even feel any romantic excitement for him," she admitted and then looked back at what she was reading.

Because of what she did Jenny was unable to see the strange spark of happiness in Jason's eyes on what she said.

"Really? Well then, who do you feel romantic excitement for, me?" Jason's consecutive questions in a tone that was really so happy that Jenny couldn't help but laugh softly.

"O-Of course not, why would I be thrilled with you when you're not like that? And one more thing, you are my older brother aren't you? And I'm your little sister that you need to protect so that no one can make her cry, right, big brother?" she lied in a teasing tone.

"Big brother?" with his brow knit that is what Jason asked her.

Jenny nodded with a smile. "You're older than me, aren't you? All right, if that's not your reason why you don't want any guy to court me? What's the real reason?" she challenged him.

For a moment she saw Jason was silent and seemed to be thinking of an answer to her. Then smiling he also replied later.

"Secret," he replied laughing.

Jenny bit her lower lip because of that. "So you can flirt with any woman endlessly, then I'm not allowed to date?"

Then the young man's thick and beautiful eyebrows moved a few times. The truth is that Jason was very handsome, despite his brown complexion, she really couldn't help but intensify the admiration she feels for her best friend.

"So the truth finally came out, you want to have a boyfriend?" he asked her.

Jenny shook her head one after another. "No, of course not! I'm just saying why can you do what you want? You've been texting and dating whoever you want but I'm limited in what I can do. Then when a male classmate came to approach me you easily get angry?"

"Great, a very long complain, huh," Jason laughed softly.

"I'm just telling the truth!"

"Because I'm a man! As for you, when you fall in love with whoever he may be and he finally got what he wants from you, I know you will be hurt. You are important to me, more than you can imagine and I can explain, so I don't want to hurt you, and as much as I can I really want to protect you," the young man pinched her cheek afterward.

Jenny was taken aback by what she heard. Ara seems to be right in what she said earlier. Jason seems to have no plans to admit to her right now in case he has any feelings in store for her. So the better thing she should do is not to hope first, because just like her best friend's advice to her earlier, maybe she and Daniel are also wrong in their suspicion.


"Tomorrow I'll pick you up so that your mother won't worry about you," was Jason's stern command before he left her right in front of the gate of their house.

"All right, thank you," Jenny replied, waving a hand at her best friend.

"Is that Jason, sweetheart?" that was a question from her mother Rowena whom she did not notice to be standing behind her.

Jenny was shocked that she even placed a hand on her chest unknowingly. "Ma, you scared me!" she complained laughing.

"Is Jason courting you?" Rowena followed her as soon as she entered the house and right after closing their gate.

Jenny was immediately stunned by her mother's question. "Oh no, Mama, we're just friends!" she replied abruptly that is why she was unable to notice her defensive tone.

"What's wrong with you?" her mother laughing softly. "I just asked, why do you seem so scared?" she said, the amused smile on her lips still lingered.

Jenny bowed her head in embarrassment at her mother's reaction. "I-I'm sorry, I was just shocked," she explained telling the truth. "Besides, Jason is not courting me, we're just really friends," she added in a more serious tone that was immediately noticed by her mother.

"I know you like him," she heard her mother say to her great surprise.

"H-How did you find out?" Jenny asked in surprise.

Rowena shrugged her shoulders. "I notice that sweetie, in the way your eyes twinkle, in the sweetness and beauty of your smiles when we talk about him, and most of all because of how often you are telling me stories about him, in other words, he is the word of your mouth," her mother said with a smile.

Soon Rowena approached her and hugged her tightly. "Hey, my daughter is now a real lady, she knows how to fall in love. But I hope that in case Jason started courting you, don't neglect your studies, I want you to make him a good inspiration for you to do more good things that can help you develop as a person," her mother then kissed her on the forehead.

Jenny nodded. "T-Tomorrow Mama, Jason, and I will be leaving, is that okay with you? Daniel invited us to have lunch at their house," eventually, Jenny decided to tell her mother about that.

"Sure, I trust you. You are not just beautiful but very smart also. I know in many cases you will still be choosing to use your head and think about something first before doing it. If that would bring you good or bad, you know what to do," Rowena's meaningful statement.

"Thank you so much, Mama," Jenny replied.

"The truth is that I like Jason. I like him for you because I can see how he takes care of you and how he worries about you. So I hope if God could only permit, I want Jason to be the man that you can be with in the future because I'm sure he will always put you first. So when the time comes that I have to leave I do not have to worry about you anymore, I know you'll be fine because you have him."

It was so sweet to feel that her mother liked Jason. But the young man didn't admit anything to her so it was still hard to expect, because just in case when she expected anything, that would be the reason for her to be completely hurt, and that is what she avoids.

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