


Just an hour drive away from Evelyn's work place, situated there is the Aragon's Villa. A beautiful and well decorated house, from the environs even a blind man could tell how expensive it is. A water fountain is placed in the middle of the villa. The gates well guarded inside out, there were men all clothed in black moving up and down with riffle guns, pacing and guarding each entrance that even a fallen pin won't go unnoticed by them. And this is where the Aragons resides.

Edmund Aragon the founder of Aragon's holdings is an old man with grey hair and beards, he is sighted sitting with his family in their living room. His wife and only son were with him along with his trusted guards and acquaintances. He began telling them what next they neeeded to do in order to gain more wealth.

"The company I started has been regnant under my power and influence for years, and as you all know my son has been following my footsteps. With his help we recently conquered the Zhou's empire that has been competitive. So he is very much ready to take charge as the CEO in Aragon's holdings. We are a very strong and ruthless group, we do not take no for an answer. Just like we wiped out the Mills, Cyphers, the Zhous and so many others, we are an undefeatable group and that will continue for centuries. Since our competitors are becoming less competitive, then the world will soon be ours. We are the Aragons after all. I count on all of you here in this meeting to help my son in dominating the world. No one can bring us down."

"You have our undying loyalty." Everyone present in the meeting chorused

"I expect nothing less, more wins cheers"

"" they chorused

An hour later the meeting was adjourned.

Wendy Aragon kisses her son and said,

"Oh my cute baby boy, congratulations on your succession and promotion son. You did good conquering the Zhou's years ago, they were a pain to our company. Even at a young age, you conquered that great empire and now it is ours. Sleep well honey, tomorrow you get to sit on your new seat in a very spacious office"

"Come on mom, don't tease me too much you and dad just relax and I will make you two proud."

"Oh honey, I know you will. I better go meet your dad, I have been gone for too long, you know how he can be. Goodnight son... Muaah"

Wendy kisses her son goodnight and left


Eric Aragon is a fine young man, a quite dashing one if I say so myself. He is the only son and heir. He has two sisters an elder one named Camilla now married and a younger one named Riley. We'll talk about them later.

His blue eyes are captivating and not just that, he is very tall and would make a perfect husband as the ladies in his company would say but they keep their voices low so as not to be heard, cause it could cost them their jobs.

Eric has a domineering and cold personality that when he walks into a place, everyone around gets cold feet. He has that power to make everyone around him shudder. He is a very rude and spoilt child, what do you expect from an over pampered only son and heir from an affluent family?

It's his first day as CEO in his new company in Ohio branch in USA.

He woke up, got dressed and went down from his room for breakfast.

Miss Betty whom was Eric's nanny came to the dining holding a tray with his breakfast, and placed it on the table.

"Morning Betty" Eric greeted the older woman

"Morning hon, your parents told me to tell you they left for Japan and this means you are in charge. Miss Wendy didn't want to disturb your sleep that's why they left without waking you up, you know how they are, always travelling."

Eric sighs and says

"Yeah am used to it, they always leave me to deal with new companies."

"Come on Eric, they are your parents they want the best for you son. Now eat up, its your first day in the company as the CEO am sure you will do just fine, like you've always done" Betty said

"You are the best Betty you know that" Eric replied

"Now eat up boy, your guards and driver are ready"

Eric ate his breakfast and went outside, a limousine was waiting for him, he sighs feeling frustrated and walked back inside and called out to Miss Betty

"Betty, why is a limousine outside? Why not an SUV or Lamborghini? You know very much how I hate limos"

"Eric those were your father's orders, you know how dictating he can be. He may be on his way to Japan cuddling his wife, but that doesn't mean his eyes aren't here. He knows and sees everything. You don't want to get on his bad side on your first day as CEO do you? Come on now be an obedient child for once and stop nagging, love you"

"Ugh!!" Eric grunts and left for the company.

As soon as he stepped his feet through the door way, a female employee mistakenly spilled half of her coffee if not all of it on Eric.

What happened next was unfathomable, before the guards could get to the spot, Eric landed a hot slap on the poor lady that she fell to the ground.

"How dare you, you filthy thing get out of my sight. You are fired. Why are there incompetent fools in this company? Good heavens"

He walked into the elevator to his new office and everyone who saw him quickly bowed and ran away from his presence, so that they will not get on his bad side.

He went into his office, took off his suit that was stained earlier and relaxed on a chair then took a deep breath.

'Why is everything set to piss me off today?' He thought.

While he was yet thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Who on earth is that?" Eric barked

A lady with a long blonde hair walked in with some files Eric almost snapped.

"And what on earth are you doing?"

"Your files sir" The lady replied while sweating profusely

"Drop it and get out of my sight you ugly thing" Eric yelled

"She dropped the files and ran out. Before he could say another word, she was out of sight.

Eric sighed and went on with his daily activities as a CEO of a new company.

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