
Possessing her Powers

Today is the day. The day that had been greatly anticipated. The day of the annual ball. She had earlier been excited about this day but now she couldn't help but be nervous. Cameron and Callan were supposed to be her date for this ball, but they weren't even speaking with her.

The silver dress was staring at her in her closet but she couldn't even look at it right now. Her heart felt so heavy and it was taking a lot of restraint to stop her from bursting into tears. It felt too painful to keep them all bottled in. Why do bad things always happen to good people?

Ever since she told her mates everything she's been hiding from then, it was unmistakable that they were flatout ignoring her now. To think she was starting to fall in love with them. Just when something good is about to happen to her, another horrible thing always ruins it. Was she cursed to never be happy?

A traitorous tear slid down her cheeks. She didn't even feel like going to the ball anymore. Right on cue, there was
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goodnovel comment avatar
Zena Whichard
The last of her species... Ashley doesn't even know. Daxton either.
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Amanda Boswell
so wouldn't she be a tribrid instead of a hybrid
goodnovel comment avatar
And this is to officially announced that updates have commenced for this book! Hope y'all don't give up on me. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

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