

Jeanette stared at me wide eyes " Huh?"

I raiser a brow " Yeah, you heard right. Have you ever been in love or should I say are you in love with someone right now?"

A blush crept up her face " I don't know what you're saying".


I chuckled. I understood that the didn't see that question coming " We are friends so I don't see anything embarrassing here "

She fiddles with her fingers " I have a mate "

I knew it. I saw that coming " Wow!"

" Yeah" she couldn't meet my eyes.

" Is that why you're embarrassed? Please don't be " I said giving her a little push.

She was so shy that she made me giggles " So who is the lucky charm?"

" He is one of the guards" She said " His name is Seth"

A nice name " Wow I'm really loving this already. He sure must be so loving for you to hide him from me "

" I didn't mean to hide it from you. We never talked about me so I felt no need to raise the subject" She defended.

" But it doesn't matter if I ask you or not. I'll always celebrate your wins with you and n
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