
Lina and Allison

everyone knows about this but their family cares a lot and that is where everything is going to be pain their ass and they will be getting their punishment without even letting us work hard, so she doesn't want Anna to worry about anything,

Anna and Emma just started to expose everyone's secrets on the internet and most of them were really shocked, as they never expected this, while Anna and Emma just forgot about all these things and just enjoyed their time together,

On the other side:

Allison is sitting in his office waiting for Lina, when he heard *click* as he raised his head to see, who opened the door and it is none other than Lina, who is really happy to see Allison and just ran and came there, he thought he has something to tell her but she doesn't know anything about the thing that Emma and Anna did, she just looked at him with love and expectation telling "yes, Allison, why did you want to talk to me? it sounds like you have something so imported to talk about?".

Allison smi
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