

“I told you not to do anything reckless didn’t I…? Alex.” Said Duke David from the kingdom of Atria

“I did not do anything reckless old man… I just saved a damsel in distress…” said Alex

“Damsel In distress…!? The person you helped was not any ordinary lady…!”

“Yeah yeah… She is the young lady from the Charleston house… I was curious about her because I heard rumors that she had changed a lot so I wanted to see for my own amusement… It isn’t a crime to help someone is it…?”

“It is not… The lady you offered help to was Rubia Mary Albert Charleston who is the fiancé of the crown prince…”

“Were they engaged…? I had no clue…”

Duke David’s Pov –

I have been taking care of this child ever since he was young which is why I know that he lied about not being aware of the engagement between His highness the crown prince and Lady Rubia…

I suppose the child feels bad because he has the assumption that he is hated by his own father and feels a bit envious of his highness the Crown prince… Who was his cousin…

“Alright. Anyways… Please take care of yourself Alex.”

“I got it old man… I’m leaving…” said Alex as he left

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