
Chapter 83 Tell me you love me


I observed Penelope, her focus unwavering as she watched the unfolding scene. She was completely engrossed and barely blinked. Looking around, I noticed discomfort on everyone's faces, except for Chloe, who appeared unaffected by the chronomancy.

It was clear that Alistair had manipulated time, and this realization made us all uneasy. The idea that he could potentially manipulate us as well was terrifying.

I turned my gaze back to Penelope, and my heart skipped a beat as I noticed that she remained unscathed. This was undeniable proof that she was indeed a devil-werewolf hybrid. The thought was almost frightening, but I had already chosen to stay by her side, especially in her time of need. Taking a deep breath, I redirected my attention to the scene before us.

The scene shifted once more, revealing a woman crying out in pain, her labor having begun. Midwives, skilled and calm, rushed to her side, guiding her carefully toward the maternity ward.

"You're doing great," o
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