
Chapter 48

"Achilles, you need to get up. You're going to miss your flight at this rate."

I groaned and tightened my arms, burying my head deeper into my plush pillow.

"I'm serious, Rafael. You already ignored your last two alarms."

I grumbled incoherently, still mostly half asleep as I nuzzled up against my pillow.


I begrudgingly cracked an eye open to look up at the owner of the voice. "Love, I'm taking my private plane. They won't leave without me."

Her hair was a mess like all other mornings, completely splayed out around her head. But I still found it to be a comforting sight to wake up to every morning,

She pouted as I propped my head up on her stomach, my previous personal sleeping pillow, "Still... Joseph said that I shouldn't let you talk your way out of going. He told me that you have a dinner meeting tonight in France that you can't miss."

I groaned and buried my face back into her stomach, cursing Joseph on the inside for getting to me through my fiancée.

She gentl
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