
Chapter 59

I laced my fingers through Achilles's hair, twirling little strands here and there as I waited for him to finish the paperwork that he had brought to bed with him.

He was dressed in only his sweatpants, as usual, but he normally tried not to bring work back with him and definitely never brought them straight into bed before. He had papers scattered across the bed as he laid stiffly in between my legs, sorting through the papers one at a time with deep crease lines etched into his forehead.

I gently rubbed his frown lines away with my thumb and asked, "Did something happen at work?"

He shook his head and set aside the papers with a heavy sigh. "I just got distracted thinking about something else at work today..."

I carefully eased his reading glasses off and pulled his head back to rest against my stomach. Stroking his head soothingly, I asked, "Would you like to tell me about it? It's alright if you don't."

He melted instantly under my touch, closing his eyes with a soft contentl
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