

Amara's pov

I hurt his feelings hard.

I could tell from how his shoulders were slumped as he walked away, and it was pretty evident for a remarkably tall man.

The urge to get up, chase after him and explain the situation surged within me as guilt rose in my heart, but then I remembered all he had done with no apology offered.

He hadn't even taken time to explain the situation to me.

Is he still married to Imelda? Is he still going to kill me? What were we? Does he share the same mutual feelings, and is there any future for the both of us? Why did he let Imelda hug him, and why did he call her name in his sleep severally?

My head ached as I came up with all these questions and the guilt I felt turned into hurt. I am the one who has been used, kidnapped, and betrayed. Each day when I look at the necklaces on my neck, I remember my past life and how much I want it back, but it isn't possible. He took everything away from me and plans to kill me in the end.

This sounds pathe
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