
103: War

Kai’s POV

My hands ran through my head for the millionth time since I’d awoken— considering my resting in bed for the last thirty minutes could pass as sleep— and I tried to think of anything I might’ve missed out on, any loose ends, any loop holes that would put me at the mercy of my enemies.

“The carriage is ready, Alpha Kai” Levi pushed my door open and let himself in as he shared the news with me.

“Is everything else ready?” I asked him as I took in the battle gear he had on, something I found unnecessary because we’d all shift and render it useless afterward, but Levi took pleasure in following battle traditions by ensuring that all the men were geared up anyways.

“Yes sir, everyone is downstairs and battle ready” He assured me with a sturdy nod and I found myself walking toward the window to confirm.

“I’ll be down in ten, go and ensure that everything is in place” I told him while still looking out of the window, secretly impressed at the army of werewolves and spell casters tha
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