
Chapter 4 Hannah

Why did I have to be so cruel? All he did was bring us breakfast. I need to work on my people skills. Look, now she’s out with him, doing God knows what, where. What am I going to tell mom now? I promised mom I would be here with her, now. Ugh. I stomp my feet to the floor. How did I let this happen? 

Jack wasn’t all that bad. Now look, I must clean up after them. What a mess. Oh no!  Am I turning into a mother? Why am I acting like a mom? I’m supposed to be cool, yet I’m thinking this way. This is scary, maybe I should go lay down. I walk towards the stairs having second thoughts about the dishes. Okay that’s it! Dishes first, rest later! 

RING RING! Is that my cell phone? Who could be calling? Wait, no that’s Carol's phone. Tanner? Why’s he calling? 


“Hey Carol, how have you been?” He says.

“Nice try. You got the evil twin. It’s Hannah! Ha.” 

“What are you doing with Carol’s phone? Where is she? I need to speak to her. It’s urgent!” Tanner says angrily. 

“She’s out with some guy she met.”

“Guy? Are you serious? It's been one day, and she already has a date. How is this possible? Who is he?” 

“It’s Jack, the piñata dude, you know, from when we were kids.” 

“His name is Jack? That guy was my buddy back in the good old days. We were so close. We loved bugging you guys. He was my partner in crime!”

“Uh huh. Your point is?” 

“So, he’s dating our sister?”

“I’m not too sure, he kind of stole her and ran off with Carol on some motorbike.”

“He’s got a bike. A Motorbike? I don’t even have one of those things, dad should’ve bought me that instead of the car. Damn, lucky him.”

“Tanner, are you even listening to me? He stole our sister and went out with her and I don’t know where.” 

“Didn’t mom send you with her so you guys can protect each other? So, how’s that working out for you now?”

“Shut up Tanner! I know I messed up.”

“She’s probably kissing him and doing the dirty.” 

“Oh my god Tanner can you shut up? Ugh. You're more annoying even when you're far away. Hey, why did you call anyway?” 

“I called to tell Carol; mom signed the permission slip for Juilliard’s camp in LA!” Tanner says while screaming into the phone with joy. “I’m leaving this weekend. Mom’s helping me pack and stuff. I wanted to thank Carol. I don’t know what she did but somehow mom changed her mind and wanted me to go.” 

“Cool! That’s good kiddo.” I say.

“I’m going to LA! Oh my gosh, the city of opportunities. Big stars, popstars, movie stars, models, actresses and so much more! I might even meet Justin Bieber and sing with him on stage!”

“Okay. That’s cool, alright, I’ll tell Carol you called. I’m just worried about her. I don't know when she’ll be back.”

“It’s Carol we’re talking about, she always knows what she’s doing. She’s the wise one, remember? She’ll be fine sis. Stay calm sis. Wait, actually I changed my mind, I’m going to tell mom right now! 

“Tanner! Don’t you dare, or you will never see daylight again!”

“Dang woman! You are the evil twin. I miss Carol. Okay bye now.” Tanner says, then hangs up the phone. 

Ugh. That kid always gets on my nerves. 

As I sat on the couch, I realized it’s been raining cats and dogs all day. She's out with this guy and doesn't have an umbrella, that poor girl.Carol, where are you? I wonder. 

After hours of sitting and waiting by the window. I hear a noise. Carol's back in the house. I must have dozed off for a second, not knowing what time she got back. She managed to take a shower and everything. 

She’s sitting watching TV in our living room. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug and basically apologized for the way I acted in the morning. How could I have been so foolish? 

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