
The attack

“No… No!!” Mrs. McCurry cried as they watched their house go up in flames. A fire had suddenly broken out from the left corridor and before they could do anything, it had gotten out of control.

“It is okay mom, it is okay.” Anna consoled her mom and held her back from rushing towards the fire; the middle aged woman was devastated by the sight, everything they had was lost in the razing fire.

The neighbors had gathered not too far from the house to watch the incident, shortly after that, the fire service department arrived at the scene and made everyone step away from the house, including Anna and her mother.

They watched from across the street as the firefighters tried to save what was left of their house but the best they could do was stop the fire from spreading further into the next building. The building had burnt beyond saving, the roof had completely blown off and the doors were gone. The whole place smelled like barbecue except that it was a burnt one.

“Ann! Belinda!!” Mr. John
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