


Delilah cautiously pushed Noah's room door ajar and caught sight of him deeply engrossed in a tense phone conversation. The room, bathed in the soft glow of a table lamp, held a lingering air of secrecy.

"Noah, I've told you a hundred times not to call me on my number. Why?" There was a palpable pause, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Noah's furrowed brow betrayed the gravity of the discussion. "Give me some time to think and don't call me again." With a swift motion, he hung up, turning around to find Delilah standing there.

"Delilah? You... I..." Noah stammered, visibly shocked. His eyes, still reflecting the remnants of the conversation, met Delilah's gaze.

"Busy?" she asked casually, seemingly unaware of the tension that lingered in the room.

"No, I mean, I was just talking to a friend. Come in," Noah replied, his tone attempting to mask the underlying unease. Delilah stepped into the room, taking in the ambiance that seemed to hold the echoes of the c
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