
Chapter Three

"I don't know what you're saying!" I gathered all my strength to push him away and i succeeded!

He stepped back a little, i took that chance to escape from his arms and started half-running away from him.

"Go on, Atasha. You run, i chase. Let me play your game." I heard him say which was already enough to bombard my heart.

Goodness gracious! That was so close, pretty close.

Despite not having a confirmation yet, i still need to be vigilant around him. I can't let him know the result of that one steamy night. Call me selfish and such but this is my firm stand. Maybe i would give him a chance to be a father to the child but not now where everything is still complicated, and the wounds in my heart that he inflicted are still fresh and painful.

After all, I'm aware that there's no secret that will remain veiled. Time is the only truth teller.

"Miss Rae, what happened? Are you feeling okay?" Mr. Williams welcomed me with his questions the moment i walked back to our table. 

"I'm fine, Sir." I made a fake smile.

I was about to pull my chair to sit on it when i noticed how his eyes bore behind me, an acknowledging smile crept on his lips. Oh come on... Not again, please!

"Mr. Lorcan Amadeus! What a coincidence, huh? I didn't know you're fond of eating your meal in this cuisine! You know, I'm expecting you to usually pick Venido Terra." Mr. Williams pertained to the famous weekly featured in magazines cuisine in the city.

But it wasn't the reason why I'm astonished right now, it's because of the presence of the person just behind me. I can almost hear his breathing, it's making my mind go in haywire. I fvcking swear.

"I have changed my taste in certain things, Mr. Williams." The shade in Lorcan's tone never slipped my ear. 

I gulped and slowly, sat on my seat. Why did he even follow me here? He should just go to his table or better go back to his company and flirt with his brunettes. Grr!

"Well, I couldn't agree more with that! By the way, this is my new secretary, Ms. Atasha Rae. I bet you already met her earlier in the meeting." My boss suddenly introduced me to him, i nearly rolled my eyes.

If you only knew the real deal between me and that man...

But how can i forget that our wedding was a civil one and it didn't reach the public because both parties want it to be low-key. A perfect 

"Yes. I saw her," Lorcan made his way to our side and shamelessly pulled a chair to sit a few inches next to me! "Nice to meet you, Miss Rae." A ghost of smirk flashed on his kissable thin lips as he emphasized the last words. 

"Likewise, Sir." My lips quivered for a very sweet sarcastic smile while murdering him in my mind.

He's really playing it as a game, huh? Let's show him the right ways to play it then.

"Woah. Miss Rae suits her, right? A sophisticated and goddess looking secretary under my care. I'm such a lucky bastard, yeah?" Mr. Williams chuckled boastfully and sipped on his wine.

Oh no. You're such a clueless bragging man, Seijan.

My heart thumped violently when i saw how Lorcan's face darkened. This is so awkward... and suffocating. Can someone get me out of here? Oh I don't wanna be in between my ex-husband billionaire and my weird cringe worthy boss!

"You're a fucktard, that's the right term." 

My eyes widened after i heard that from Lorcan! What is he doing?

"Pardon?" Mr. Williams sounded curious and confused. I can only sigh in relief.

Whew! He didn't hear it clearly! Thank God. To be involved in rich people's troubles is the least thing i want to experience. At least, not in this kind of public place!

"I said good for you to find a secretary who's an epitome of beauty." Lorcan sipped on his champagne, gazing at me sensually, i looked away to calm my heart down. There's no way I'm blushing! Not on his watch!

Mr. Williams laughed overwhelmingly. "Oh. I know, i know. And I'm not planning to fire her either as i think it's time now for me to have a permanent secretary." It made me stop eating the salad for a moment.

What does he mean by that? I think i only applied for a temporary secretary of him. Am i missing something here?

I don't know how to breathe properly anymore. I can only move my food and chew them one by one but it's too hard to swallow. They started talking about business stuff and i feel so out of place. This is beyond awkward, i swear. Fueled by the stares and dagger looks of women in each table around us, it's all Lorcan's fault.

He's so good at getting on my nerves, huh! 

I was in the middle of chewing the buttered cake when my eyes accidentally landed on his blazing gray pair. He was slightly nodding his head to whatever Mr. Williams was saying but his focus and attention were all on me. How unprofessional.

He took his champagne and sipped on it, his eyes never leaving mine. His lips touched the peak of glass, a sinister smirk didn't surpass from my sight. My chest boomed with untamable nervousness. That should be forbidden...  

"Miss Rae is undeniably a pretty creature, right? I can't blame you, Mr. Amadeus." Mr. Williams suddenly chuckled.

He probably noticed the growing tension between our stares. Shit! 

I sat uncomfortably and closed my knees, looking down my plate.

"That's why I'm wondering if she's still single which is entirely impossible. With that features... i bet she's already taken by someone beyond her liking." Lorcan said shadily.

My fists clenched under the table. I felt the burning of my cheeks. You... jerk! He thinks so highly of himself! 

I badly wanna object but i don't wanna look so defensive in front of this bastard so.

"But she clarified to me that she's single and that she never had a relationship with any man!" My boss pointed out. I cursed in my mind as i shut my eyes tightly then opened it again only to spot Lorcan's furious expression.

"Oh wow. So, you are innocent, never been kissed, never been touched kind of a lady, Miss Rae?" He taunted, his eyes were burning with rage.

"You got it right, Sir." I smiled sweetly to hide my troubled emotions.

He gritted his teeth, making his stubbly jawline highlighted. The usually composed billionaire is glaring at me right at this moment. Another part of me is bothered but mostly, throwing a celebration. Because now we're even, ex-hubby.

"Let me drive you home, Miss Rae." Mr. Williams insisted after we were done with our eating session.

I don't think that's a given treatment of a boss to his secretary, how i want to shoot him an are-you-fucking-crazy look, but i restrained myself for it's not that good for a first impression on the very first day of work.

"Thanks, Mr. Williams. But no need. I just have to get my car back here." I politely said. His eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, yeah right! I'll call Eugene to bring it here..." He then took out his phone and dialed his personal guard's number.

I crossed my arms and walked near his parked car while waiting for mine. Lorcan was nowhere to be found after he excused himself earlier to answer an urgent call. Well, that was a good favor for me. Besides, I don't want another encounter with him again---

"What about it, Franco? Yeah... I won't go back to Sicily if that's the purpose of this call. How many times do i have to tell them that? Tell them to fvck off! Don't worry, I won't fire you." 

Quick like that of The Flash, i hid myself through the nearest wall just so he won't see me. Shit, shit! I look like a fugitive here but that's less of my concern...

 I thought he already went home? I didn't see his car around the parking lot! Or maybe he's just using a new one that's not familiar to me? 

Argh! I said I don't want another encounter with him anymore! But i guess it's really inevitable now that we're living in the same city. Why won't he just go back to his hometown anyway? If i heard it right, his parents wanted him to go back to Sicily but he was stubbornly refusing it. 

I know how he loves his hometown because he once told me about it before when we were sharing the same bed and he was sort of drunk. But now i wonder what's stopping him from going there?

Or who rather...

I peeked in his direction carefully, he's now putting his phone down and before he could see me, i ran away immediately without looking back. Perfect timing, i saw my car beside Mr. Williams' Audi. Without hesitations, i only uttered goodbyes and waved my eyes at my boss and his astonished guard before i hopped inside the car and quickly maneuvered it.

Halfway through my friend's house, i parked my car in front of a drugstore as i remembered her recent words.

"Three pregnancy tests, please." I shyly said.

I know i only need one but it's better to be so triple sure.

The woman in her mid 40's surveyed my whole appearance before taking it from the shelf and went back in front of me. After thanking her and taking the testers, i nervously drove to Sydney's house. 

My chest is booming loudly and i feel like my heart is going out of my ribcage! This is it! The only confirmation i need.

"Come again, Tash?! He said those words?! How... why?! He has got to be kidding me! After he made you sign a divorce paper now, he's acting like a devastatingly neglected husband?!" Sydney can only exclaim after i told her my encounter with Lorcan.

"And he's acting like he would do everything to take me back..." I uttered hesitantly.

Her brows furrowed. "He's a complete motherfucker then!" She looks so annoyed now. Uh, i feel sorry that she has to feel my stress towards that man.

"But I won't give him the satisfaction, with whatever's going on in his mind. It won't stop me from avoiding him at all costs." I firmly remarked.

"As you should!" She agreed eagerly and held my hand. "Don't worry, Tash. I'll help you get rid of him. Even if he's the Lorcan Amadeus, the big deal, it doesn't matter. I got your back. Always." She assured me and I'm so touched.

Gosh. I'm so lucky to have someone like her by my side. I'm not alone at all. 

"Thanks, Syd..." I hugged her and when i faced her again, i showed her the pregnancy tests i bought earlier. She gasped. "I have these now but I'm kinda nervous to do so..." I bit my lip.

"No, you can do it! Relax and go to the bathroom to try it now. I'll be waiting here, i promise." She smiled at me reassuringly. "Go, Tash! Calm down, okay? Trust a girl's instinct." She keeps on convincing me.

And i stood up then. Carrying the plastic of tests, i made my way to her bathroom. My hands were fidgeting, I could feel my heart leaping through my throat. 

But this is it. There's no more turning back. I have to make sure and whatever the result may be, i would gladly accept it.

Using the absorbent tip, i carefully put it on the right spot and peed. Waiting for about 10 seconds, i inhaled and exhaled sharply first before i slowly looked down on the strip.

Oh God. Two red lines.

My eyes stung and eventually, an overflowing tears fell from them. I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs. 

"How was it, Tash?!" I heard Syd from behind the door.

"You're gonna be a godmother!" I shouted in a shaky voice.

She screamed happily. I chuckled tearfully and caressed my tummy. 

Hold on, baby. If i need to hide you from your billionaire Daddy, i will. 

His world is too much for us. 

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