
Chapter 4

Valerie p.o.v

My life is ruined. “How is this real life?” “What's happening right now?” “I pinch myself to confirm that I'm not dreaming and the sharp pain that registers in my brain confirms that I am officially fucked.”

“How did this day turn out to be the worst day of my life?” “Who did I offend that would wish me such luck?” “I am sure that I look a mess with how much I'm blinking but that's all that's stopping me from crying or laughing hysterically.”

“Why does my case always go from best to worst in the most dramatic way?” “I'm sure God must hate me, because if he didn't why would I be looking at the one problem that I have no answer to?” “What is Carter doing here?”

I see Arabella's lips move but she might as well be speaking a language I don't understand because I can't take my eyes away from him.

“How is he still so handsome?” “How dare he look so good?” “I try to feel for my chair but I can't reach it, only then do I realise that I'm standing.” “I'm not prepared for any of this.” In the midst of all this I register a hand holding me and I clutch it as I try to come back to the present.

I look around my surroundings and I realise that I'm holding on to the lawyer's hands. I quickly let go of it and I take in Arabella's concerned face

She tilts her head while looking me and asks “Are you good love”.

I swear I smile to show her that I am fine but it must not be effective because her face is even more confused and she asks me to sit down. In all of this Carter hasn't still said a word. He's just standing there looking completely unaffected, why would he be affected though?

He's not the one who had to suffer humiliation and is currently keeping a secret that can change everything. I take a sit and Arabella comes to check on me. She holds my hand and makes me do a breathing exercise with her. I admittedly feel a little calm after the exercise until I look up and meet Carter's eyes. He smirks and says

“Good morning Valerie, that was quite a reaction.” “Is that how you react to everybody or do I get special treatment?”

I flinch at the sound of his voice and I immediately stand up and leave the hall. I run until I get to my car. I try to open my car door and my hands are shaking. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I drop my keys and slide down to the ground.

Tears block my vision and I sit resigned on the ground. I have officially fucked up this deal. I'm sure that Arabella will not hesitate to replace me. Everything I've worked for will go down the drain.

“How could I let this happen to me? I should be immune to him by now”. “Its been six whole years. Why haven't I moved on?” “why does he affect me this much?” She called him her brother, he must be essential to this deal.

There's no point in staying back. I have lost this deal. Months of hard work and planning, all gone just like that! I think I have to move. I have to leave the city or the country at least.

There's no way Carter is allowed back in my life. The city is too small for us not to run into each other. What if he sees George? He'll definitely know that something is up. George is a replica of Carter. They should never meet each other. I have to leave town.

With this new resolve I stand up and clean my eyes. As I open my car door, I hear my name being called in the distance and I see Arabella walking towards me. Immediately I start the car and speed off. I can't bear to get rejected in person.

Carter's p.o.v

As soon as Valerie looks at me, her face becomes pale and she starts to hyperventilate. She looks so distraught, so much so that I see her pinch herself and frown even more.

“Does she hate me that much?” I know I hurt her but she's looking at me like I'm the object of her nightmares. Her reaction is so bad that Arabella has to hold her hand and do breathing exercises with her.

It shows me just how much work I will have to put in to get her forgiveness or even approval.

After Arabella sits with her for a little while, her breathing becomes stable and she's somewhat calm. I figure that I can talk now so as she locks eyes with me, I smirk and I say

“Good morning Valerie, that was quite a reaction.” “Is that how you react to everybody or do I get special treatment?”

She visibly pales again and I notice Arabella's flinch too, but I'm far too gone to apologise. The need to possess Valerie is so sharp and intense. She looks so pale and all I want to do to her does not need an audience.

I want to feel her pulse, I want to see if she'll turn red or blush like this in other instances. I'm lost in thought that I don't register when she runs past me and goes outside. I turn to chase her and I feel a tight vise on my arm. When I look at the owner of the hand, I find a very angry Arabella.

“Why did you do that?” “ I thought you were trying to make things right”. “How did you manage to make things even worse”. “You'd better not ruin this deal”. She rants until she takes a look at my face then she abruptly stops and apologises, “I'm very sorry Carter” her distress must have rubbed off on me”.

I tilt my head and study my little sister, why is she so protective of someone she just met?

“What's it to you?” “Why are you so concerned about her?”.

“I don't know, she just feels like a kindred spirit and I like her a lot.” “please let me be the one to talk to her”. “Is the deal off?” “please let's do the right thing”.

I nod my head and take a seat and she runs out, I hear a sigh of relief and I glance in the direction, only to see the lawyer standing there with a bewildered expression on his face.

I glower in his direction and he mutters a shaky good morning and sprints out of the room leaving me to stew in my anger.

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