
So wrong

She is so incredibly small and fragile … oh so fragile, in my large hands. She fusses a little as I carry her, but then she settles, makes some cooing sounds, and goes back to sleep almost immediately, causing my heart to melt like butter on a hot pan.

“Hi there. I’m your daddy.” I whisper in the gentlest and softest of voices, hardly able to believe that this perfect creation is a part of me.

“Awwww! You guys look so cute together.” Jessica says, beaming proudly at us, every inch a proud mother. It is then I realize that everyone else has left the room and we’re alone with our child.

I head over to sit beside her on the bed with the baby and we both just spend some time staring at our daughter.

“Just look at us. I remember back then on the island when we were talking about how we never wanted kids and all that. Now, I wouldn’t give her up for the whole world.”

“I know, right? She’s one of the best things to ever happen to me.”

“Oh, yeah? And what’s the other best thing?” I ask her, b
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