

Later in the afternoon, Bingquing was sewing in her room, when a maid of the manor came to gossip.

"You are the daughter of Official Chu who was thought to be dead, but was rescued and brought back to him?  The whole palace harem is buzzing with the news of such a strange miracle to brighten up our days.  Such a legend has heavenly implications so it is thought that you are a divine being who has come to earth.  Since you are here in the harem it is throught that you are bringing a light to the palace."

Bingquing was embroidering a sleeping black cat on a white background.  The imaging was calming to her, as she would often a black cat that she would feed in her previous manor.  She smiled wryly.  "A family reunion is always joyous.  But how do you know of such things inside the palace?"

The maid was known as Du Ni and was the daughter of her old nanny so the two had played together and been tutored together as children.  They were as close as sisters, but had been separated when Du Ni had returned home.  Bingquing had supposed Du Ni was killed along with the rest of the staff, but had been delighted when she had found not.  They had slept together crying for the first few days, but otherwise their relationship had improved.

A lot of the manors servants were elderly as they had retired but had resumed work once they had heard of their masters need for servants.  Some were younger and had escaped because they had hidden themselves.  Everyone had joined in her father's joy that she was alive. 

Du Ni blushed, "There's a handsome guard in the palace that I always see when I go get you things you need from the market.  He always keeps me up on the latest goings on.  You know the idiot king is actually a very good king?"

Bingquing laughed, "Father always assumed it was an elaborate act.  Jungpi always has the best harvests and goods.  It didn't make sense because the country was not poor as idiots usually are."

"Did I tell you about how your father was in the dungeon for a month.  He didn't eat anything so he lost weight.  The emperor had to punish him because they thought your father had something to do with the rebels, but once they found the house in shambles they realized they made a mistake.  The courtiers didn't even know where your father lived because they considered him a minor official.  This house has a dukedom.  It was such a scandal.  Your father did ask to be sent to Jungpi because he wanted the gossip to die down so he could work how he used to."

"Du Ni, this is old news.  I heard all of this at uncle's place.  Tell me about what happened after he became an official in Jungpi."

"Oh dear, the Jungpi officials didn't like that someone so notorious from Caiwong Empire was joining them so they petitioned to have him executed.  You know the queen is the only one who does the affairs?  It's so scandalous in other countries, but she manages everything in the state affairs.  She thought it was ridiculous and gave your father to manage a small locality to please them."

"If the queen is in court, who manages the harem?"

"There is a noble consort or two who have children, but they were all childhood friends.  Only one has a young son whom the other dotes on.  The queen has been unable to get pregnant for many years.  She does have a daughter who I hear will get married to a prince of Caiwong.  I don't think the king is too worried about succession just yet."

"What about the king?"

"He's in the harem or tending the garden.  He's a big fan of hedges and flowers.  I think he paints as well.  He's a man of leisure.  Your father was saying how hard it is to get an audience with him.  Everyone just ignores him as the queen makes decisions anyways."

"That sounds refreshing.  I would love to meet the queen."

"You probably won't have to wait long, mam.  Official Chu was thinking of presenting you in court."

"Father has said nothing of that to me."

"Maybe you should go ask him."

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