
Chapter 50

Up went Nate's hands. "I didn't say a thing."

Would this day never end? "Are you nervous?" Nakos side-glanced the groom, wishing the dude had at least a bead of perspiration from anxiety. But no. A pillar, this one.

"Hell no. I can't wait."

Figured, not that Nakos could blame him.

They assumed their positions based on the pithy rehearsal the day before and waited for the music to start. If anyone thought having the nuptials right outside the wrought iron gate of the Cattenach's private cemetery was odd, they didn't know the family very well. Olivia's parents, along with three generations of relatives before, were buried there. As was Justin, someone who had meant the world to both the bride and groom. It was only fitting they'd want to be closer to him on their day, if merely to have his spirit nearby.

Situated off to the right, Meadowlark's high school band began to play, notes from guitar strings and flutes floating on the breeze. Moments later, Amy stepped into view at the base
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