
Chapter 37: Messages.

Lucy's pov

Mercy, my stepmom has bad timing.

What does she want now?

I thought she had given up ,when she saw I wasn't willing to help her.

I didn't want answer her call , because I knew that whatsoever she had to say was unreasonable,but she called back three more times so I decided to answer her call, i wondering what could be so important that she was calling me this way.

"Lucy, so you finally decided to answer the call?" She asked me in a loud voice.

"Mercy, please just say what you want and hang up." I told her.

"Can't I call my daughter from time to time, to ask how she is faring?" Mercy asked me and I cringed at the word daughter.

Mercy my step mum never regards me as a daughter, but a step daughter ,so I know she was up to something.

"Mercy, you have only one daughter, you have told me that many times, don't start saying things that aren't true." I reminded her.

"I have two…." Mercy tried to say.

"Just tell me what you want." I cut her off, I was already angry because of Andre
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