


Twenty years back...

(Omma’s POV)

The night sky illuminated the streets alongside the passing cars. The weather was as cold as it could get. I watched him intertwine his hands in hopes of warming up just a bit. I do not mimic his actions. Instead, I rub my palms all over my arms.

A small grin radiated on his face.

‘I do not understand you, mother. You yelled at me for being so loud when you were trying to sleep and now you are walking me to the store in thirteen degrees. Why are she-wolves so complicated?’ Si-Hyuk chuckled, looking over my shoulder. His instincts were alert as always when both of us knew we were strolling in the safest of the places out there.

Chaitali was our own town. It was the wolf’s territory but Si-Hyuk was trained to doubt the smooth waters. Being a spy, he has learnt to be alert and over-cautious. In his books, anything could be dangerous, even walking beside the she-wolf who had born him in her womb for three month
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