
Chapter 79 Part 3

As the ship slowly land, the mire visible the people and the knights that are waitinf for us outside is. The moment I see that. i immediately decided to go and have a short talk with Calix on his room as well. He have his own room because he is a duke and also, he have a lot of work so they probably want him to hace some little privacy just like me. There, a knight announced my presence which caysed him to opened the door immediately. He must have been surprised by my sudden arrival to his room but yeah, I roamed my eyes around to see how different it is toward my room.

All in all, it is also filled with luxurious things byt the inly difference is this room looks like a room made for a guy unlike me who have a brighter color. This one is a little darker but of course, ut lools good. After all, they wouldn't even tmdare to let the duke use this if this is not a pretty room for him to stay. No matter what, the duke position is high enough for people to be afraid at. Even the wh

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