
Chapter 82 Part 4

'Again, he's handaome and attractive as usual'

I am amazed of course but I didn't stared at him too much because he may feel offended and I may look like a crao if I do so.

"your outfit is different than usual" I said casually. Not like I meant it in a bad way but it's just that i felt like I wanted to address his clothes today to divert my attention from his prettt, handsome face but as I do that, I saw how he acted shy.

'He is definitely blessed by this world to have that kind of features. He's even more cute as he act shy'

I thought inwardly.

He slightly scratched the side of his head as he asked me a question that I didn't expected a cool male lead to ask

"Do you think it looks good on me?" I was stunned for a moment because that was totally out of his own character. 

Also, doesnvt he have an eyes? If this doesn't suit him? Who will?

Well not like it's a big deal matter. After all, that's just ho

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