
Chapter 86

After eating, I took my time looking around my veranda where i can see the servants going around like crazy. Knights are also busy outside talking to each other. I don't know why they are talking while currently in touch of the sun heat while sweating like crazy. Looking at them, they must have just finished their training. Although the knights quarter are a luttke fa4 from my palace, their training quarter is near so I often see and hear them train. Of course, they are being diligent as always which made me look at them in a favorable impression. After all, the more they work hard, the safer this country is. Of course, the reason why they are currently training thus hard is partly because of their commander whuch is really strict. Yes, although he is not as struct as the past commander, he is still strict enough to get them rolling all they if they came to the training grounds late.

In result, no knights have been late lately and they are all working diligently. Sometimes, i

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