

When Nezetta raised her head, a small gasp escaped Naomi's lips. The once headstrong girl that she knew was gone and replaced with someone that she couldn't recognize.

"Nezetta..." Naomi stepped in front of Daegal and he moved back slightly to avoid touching her.

"Naomi? Is that you?" came Nezetta’s shaky voice.

"Fucking hell, what have they done to you?" Naomi gripped the iron bars till her knuckles whitened even further from the strain.

"You are here. I am not imagining it?" Nezetta rose to her feet and slowly walked over to Naomi. Tentatively, she touched Naomi's hand and instantly, she released a relieved sigh.

"You are here. Oh My... I thought you were never going to show up and—" She paused once her eyes met Daegal’s with the flickering flames in his hands. "Brother, you are present as well," She stated with a blank expression on her face.

"Nez... Are you alright? Nothing untoward occurred?" Daegal asked, his brows creased from worry.

"Nothing happened. I have been here...
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