
Thirty six

It was New Year and everyone was at the annual New Year Mafia ball. Arieon didn't want to go but she had to attend. She didn't like all these Mafia meetings and she was glad that this was going to be her last one.

"I'm hungry", Agatha mumbled as her eyes scanned the hallway for food. Her stomach was already showing a small baby bump of three months. "Let me get you something to eat", Matteo kissed her forehead and walked away.

"Aww", Arieon teased her. "Shut up", Agatha glared at her. Enzo shook his head and the two women. "Vincenzo, spero che ti stia divertendo qui?", Giovanni asked him. He was the host of the party. Enzo nodded, "Mi sarebbe piaciuto di più il comfort del mio letto ma non posso negare il tuo invito". Giovanni let out a deep laugh and patted his shoulder.

The party went on and on until Arieon couldn't stand anymore. "I'll faint of I don't sit down", she glared at Enzo. "Let's go to the terrace, you'll sit there", he said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I don
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