
A moment in time

Pack politics had always bored Shadow. But after waiting for over an hour, he realized Isabella must be having trouble with one of the pups. They'd worked out early on that once TK sang his sister to sleep, he would also go into a deep slumber, which meant it was either Serena, Abigail, or Jasmine that were hogging her time. He tried to get work done, but the Quins had been major cockblockers, and he was hoping to seduce his sweet mate this evening. That plan looked like it was going down the gurgler now, though.

A light knocking on the door had the Alpha sighing. He marked the page in his book, wondering which one of them it was. He opened his door to a sight that would take pride of place in his memory banks for the rest of his life.

Isabella looked breathtaking. She had a saucy smile on her pouty lips, and all Shadow could hear was the roar of blood in his ears as it hurtled south towards his groin. Before he could form any sort of response, Bella placed her stilett

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