


Waking up next to Jade was a dream. I’ll admit that I sat and watched her for a few minutes, not wanting to touch her for the fear o waking her up mistakenly. She looked good. Really good that way.

‘She is perfect.’ Kian muses on my head. And I had to agree with him.

Lying with her this close, I could see the light dusting of freckles on her nose. I didn’t eve know she ad them. But it was so light that unless you were very close to her, you wouldn’t notice it.

I longed to trace my fingers over them, count them to get myself familiar with them.

‘I don’t want her to leave again. Ever.’ He said, a tinge of possessiveness in his tone.

Again, I agreed with him. Sitting right now, the thought of not having her close was making me feel some strange emotion. I don’t like it. But I didn’t hate it ether.

It was all just so confusing.

Jade stirred before her eyelids fluttered open and her green eyes bore into mine. It felt like she was looking right into my soul at that moment and I have n
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