
All of his life

Richard's POV

“I am fine,” I assured Reina while we were driving down to the Kourtney's, just to make sure that Kelvin was home and he was there. That he was doing fine, just like they had said also.

“ Richard…”

“ Reina…!” I snapped with hands on the steering wheels when I took a deep breath. I was messed up, and I wasn't supposed to act this way. “ I am sorry. Gosh, I am and…”

“ It is fine” she squeezed my shoulder blade hard before directing my gaze back to the light which had turned green. “ Let's go home, make sure that the kids are fine and then we will go home”

“ Home?” Home was anywhere she was. Wherever was home to her was where I wanted to be. She was my home. Fuck this messed up version of me right now, but I would do everything to have her with me. Back at our home. together.

“ Richard… I am going back home with you. Our home. Where I am supposed to be”

I blinked back the tears in my eyes, the one that I didn't even know was there. When exactly had it come up that I didn
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