
Cut off

Reina’s POV

I battled my eyelids as I struggled to stay awake, the sun filtered through, earning a groan from my mouth.

“ You are awake” A voice whispered, at the same time the bed cranked. Flipping my head, I took in the sight before me, and I had almost choked on my spittle.

Donning a fitting singlet, Richard stood with a wide smile on his face. “What…what…what are you doing here?” I had managed to ask while fiddling with my hands. Gosh, why was I a mess?

He seemed to have taken note because he broke out into a wide smile. “ Reina…” he winned. My brows knitting into a scowl. “ I missed you. Just the thought of him holding you broke me”

I threw my head backward. “ You were there all along? Watching me?” Heat pooled in my stomach, he had been there all along.

“I couldn't just watch you go, I had to do something” he answered.

“ And you did! You did everything” my eyes watered before something hit me. “ My kids? Our kids, where are they?’’

Richard stood up, beaming. “ Don't tell
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