
I'm sorry (Wyatt POV)

‘You two shouldn’t have come alone,’ Atlas chuckled in my head. Kiera looked over to me, asking with her eyes if I had heard the voice too, and I nodded.

“Stay close, I don’t want him to have any opportunity to separate us.”

She put her back to mine and we walked around, looking for any signs of Felicity. I could feel her here. My heart raced wildly within my chest knowing how close we were to her.

‘How about a little riddle to help you find your dearest friend? Beneath materialistic beauty lies the epitome of a beautiful soul,’ Atlas' voice sang melodically.

I frowned, thinking of what he could possibly have meant while Kiera stood, mumbling to herself.

“Beneath means below. She is under something. Materialistic beauty signifies.....” she paused, looking around, mumbling some more, “She’s under the house! Felicity is in the basement,” she whispered.

How the fuck did she get that from his riddle?

‘Probably because there is something called a brain within that pretty
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