
Chapter 11

I helped Lily and Rand air out the cabin, turned down the bed, made sure the generator was gassed and up and running, and that they had everything they needed to get through the night. It was likely they slept rougher out on their packlands, though I couldn’t be sure. Some packs preferred modern conveniences, while others liked to keep their wild roots intact as much as possible.

I didn’t know if they spent more time in their wolfskin on packlands than they did their human skin, and which one they preferred. I wasn’t at ease with my wolf and I fought her for control everyday of my life. But those born into the wolf life, were taught early on to embrace their wolf and learn how to coexists with the animal inside. I tamed my wolf while Lycans unleashed theirs, especially on the nights of the full moon.

I never wanted to unleash the animal inside me. I had been forced into turning enough by my stepfather thanks to his cruel methods of inflicting pain on me to make my wolf react and take over. Once I had taken him out of the equation, I only had to deal with changing into the beast each full moon. I managed that in my own unconventional way. Just like I managed to keep my wolf down and suppressed everyday of my life. I tried not to think about what would happen the day my body was too tolerant to the effects of the wolfsbane and it no longer worked to quell the wolf inside me. But on the bright side, by that day, I would likely be dead from an overdose of the poison as it required more and more doses to work over time. One way or another, I would never let the animal take control and hurt someone.

I finally tore myself away from the mates and tried to stop stressing. I doubted Alpha Roam would be back tonight, as he would need time to recover from my gift, but he would be back to raise hell at some point. I trusted Rand to keep Lily safe, and when the dark wolf returned, he’d come for me first to settle a vendetta. I still hoped in my dusty heart he would spare his nephew’s life and allow Lily to return to her own pack in one piece if worst came to worst. If I had to die for what was right, then so be it. I would find freedom in death that I would never find among the wolves. Being claimed by the Alpha would be a far worse fate than dying by his hand.

My thoughts took another morbid turn as I made my way back towards my diner. I thought about the brave people throughout history who had died by their own terms when they stared down their enemies and knew there was no way out. I considered keeping a vial of wolfsbane on my person at all times from now on. I would swallow down all the bitter liquid and go out my way rather than be captured by the wolf pack and subjected to a life of further torment. I had suffered enough at the hands of wolves and men alike. Never fucking again.

It seemed The Moon agreed with my vow, as it broke through the trees and I felt its light shine down on me.  The stars were not the only thing brighter out in mountain country. I both loved and hated The Moon. Something so beautiful at its peak turned me into something so ugly. I shuddered though the night was warm.

Mesmerized by the night sky, I jumped when Tom began to howl from the porch. He had probably smelled a rabbit, though I doubted the lazy bones would give chase. He had it made, the lap of luxury, and a full belly of expensive wet dog food I’d left for him on the porch before I took Lily and Rand to the hunting cabin. Tom had never liked my stepfather, had growled at him when ever he came close, so much that after Mom was killed, Stone had trapped Tom into a kennel. He used to threaten eating my dog to keep me in line. It was just one of the many tactics he used in his arsenal of submission and obedience against me.

I should have seen it as the first red flag as Tom was usually a gentle dog and never met a stranger before Stone. I had freed Tom as my first act after I buried my stepfather deep in the woods. My dog would never be caged again either. He would live the rest of his life free, getting fat, spoiled, and happy just as nature intended.

He watched me cut across my front yard, with his tail wagging happily, but not a paw did he step off the porch. He loved me, just not enough to leave the comfort of one of his dog beds I had out there for him. I snorted as he settled himself inside it, eyes drooping closed impressively fast. I envied my dog’s ability to fall asleep so easily. I chased sleep many days after my night shifts at the diner.

I pushed open the back door of the MountainTop with my boot as I dug my cellphone from my apron pocket. I needed music to motivate me to clean up these broken shards of my mother's dreams. I clicked on my bit of everything playlist, tightened my ponytail, and got down to business.  I made debris piles of the smaller pieces, and the larger pieces of wood I carried right out to the dumpster, listening to the thud against the metal. I got a damn splinter deep in my middle finger. I tried to dig it out with my teeth. Fuck my life. Fuck werewolves.

My third favorite song dropped at least, and as a traitor to my own values, I belted out the words to “I Need A Hero”.  Mom had loved this one. No one had ever come to her rescue though. But every time I heard it, I still thought of her fondly, remembering her singing her heart out in the kitchen while she cooked up a new recipe. She always sang it off-key, but I never had the heart to tell her. I would have given anything to hear her sing it again.

I swiveled my hips in time to the beat and clutched the broom like a mic, giving it my all on the chorus.  But I guess the universe decided to make me the punchline to a cosmic joke. Because it wasn’t a hero I could smell in the air. My heart stopped and then accelerated. My body recoiled and then shivered as goosebumps dotted my skin. I clutched the broom so tight I could feel the give in the wood.

The scent of pine and summer rain conquered my senses. My mind screamed to run, but my body begged me to stay. Old Faithful seemed a million miles away near the cash register. I would never reach her in time. I was at the mercy of the Alpha who darkened my back door.

I knew if I ran, he would only give chase. I stood my ground and held the broom close. A broom was all I had to fight off the dark wolf. How stupid I had been to let my guard down and not keep my gun close.

This time the creak of wood wasn’t violent as the door swung open. He entered my diner on two legs, though as naked as the day he was born. My eyes did a sweep of his body, his dirty, bloody, tight, bare body. I gulped at the sight of his huge hard cock. The Alpha of Stonemountain was turned on. By finding me alone, vulnerable, and by thoughts of all the wicked things he intended to do to me. His arousal was more than just lust, it was also about dominance, and he intended to dominate me thoroughly.

He eyed me like he was going to devour me. My body welcomed it. Craved it. I was hot and wet and shivering all at once.

“What…what are you doing here?” I rasped out.

He stepped more into the light. He looked more animal than man. His right shoulder was dotted crimson and had spilled down over the hard planes of him. My gazed followed the trail of blood down to his jutted-out shaft. His hungry eyes followed mine down. His cock twitched.

“I told you I would be back to finish what I started, Rabbit.

“Are you here to prove what a big bad wolf you are and hurt me? Will that make you and your big Alpha ego feel better?” I snapped.

I crossed my arms over my breasts so he couldn’t see the way my nipples had hardened. But he could smell my wet heat. Probably was also aware of the increased flow of blood pounding through my pussy. There was no denying my body wanted the Alpha.

A low growl reverberated his throat, “I didn’t come here to hurt you, Rabbit. I came here to fuck you…”

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