
I know you threatened her

“The last time I checked you guys and Jessica weren’t friends. How did you guys become friends overnight?”

“Grandma…..” Aubrey muttered as she stared at her siblings, while they kept blinking at each other.

“Ouch, my stomach hurts, I'm hungry Grandma,” Addison said as she held her stomach and pouted.

“Oh my goodness, grandma we need to get Addison some food, her stomach hurts,” Jason said as he held Addison who was about to fall to the ground.

Arianna hummed knowing fully well they were trying to play her. She knows the octuplets very well and she can vouch they were up to something.

“What are you kids up to?” she asked and they all laughed.

“What? Grandma, what are you talking about?” they asked and she rolled her eyes.

“Let's go downstairs and eat, your food is getting cold,” she said and they all smiled and ran downstairs to the dining room.

She sighed softly and trailed behind them. She just hopes Jessica isn't making them do something stupid.

Hannah, who is seen lying on the b
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