
She framed me

Lucas on the other hand stared at Lisa who was staring at Hannah till she was out of sight.

“Did you spill coffee on her work file?” He asked and Lisa signed.

“Are you doubting me? I would never do that Lucas. I know the stress and all she might have used in drafting it out. I didn’t do it. Besides, isn't she the COO, she could ask anyone to help her redraft” Lisa said and Lucas stared at her.

“But Hannah is not the kind of person who would lie to anyone. She doesn’t lie” Lucas said and Lisa stared at him surprised.

Wow, so he knows her this much and is defending her, is he trying to call me a liar? Lisa thought with a surprised look on her face.

“You should go fix your hair, it’s ruined. I have to be somewhere” He said and then stood up before going upstairs to his room.

Lisa rolled her eyes and stood up. She didn’t plan on visiting the saloon any time soon but now because of what Hannah had done to her hair she would have to visit one and also get a new phone, she thought angrily.

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