
Chapter 28 Happiness Is Contagious

Drinking tea and reading newspapers nearby, Gu Nianbin looked distracted but actually never took his eyes off Du Xiaoxian. Noticing her uneasiness, he went up to her and asked gently, "What's wrong?"

At sight of him, Du Xiaoxian rushed over and grabbed his arm tightly. Although she still revered him, he was the only acquaintance she could find here. She got relieved when seeing him.

Gu Nianbin was amused by her reaction. He bent down and asked softly, "None of your taste? Then let's go somewhere else."

Du Xiaoxian shook her head like a frightened fawn, mumbling, "All of them are surrounding me, I..." She was too timid to speak out her nervousness in such occasions.

Gu Nianbin got her at once and dismissed the sales by a gesture. He found a seat for her and said, "Now they are all gone. You can choose freely. Show me what you like."

Du Xiaoxian looked at the clothes and the fancy shop, "Sir, the clothes here must be very expensive. I haven't got my salary yet. I'm afraid I can't afford such clothes."

Gu Nianbin smiled and ruffled her hair, "Don't worry. You can afford them." He didn't say he would pay for her because she was so determined about not receiving gifts for no reason. He had no confidence to persuade her. So he didn't refute her but echoed her words. Nothing else would be a problem as long as she accepted them.

Du Xiaoxian was relieved. The young master treated her so well and wouldn't deceive her. She got up, picked a pair of jeans and smiled at him shyly.

"Try this together." Gu Nianbin picked a white T-shirt for her and showed her the direction to the fitting room, "Need any help?"

Du Xiaoxian shook her head. She felt excited to try on new clothes no matter she would buy them or not.

After she went to the fitting room merrily, Gu Nianbin called the manager over and said a few words in whisper. The manager was surprised but still replied respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Gu. I see." Coping with many of a celebrity and top figure in this boutique, the manager had seen various women brought here to buy clothes and therefore had been used to special requirements. The girl brought by this customer was not like those women and the requirement was quite strange. Anyway, as long as the right mount of money was paid, he could do whatever was requested.

Du Xiaoxian came out in the new outfit after a while. She adjusted her clothes cautiously and gave Gu Nianbin a smile. Her ponytail slanted, probably messed up while she tried on the clothes, making her look even more lovely. Not to mention the sweet smile and her crystal-like eyes. She wasn't tall, but the blue jeans still outlined the curves of her straight legs perfectly. Her delicate collarbones half hidden by the neckline of the white T-shirt made her look innocent but attractive. She was nothing short of a little fairy that came out of nowhere.

Gu Nianbin looked at her for a while, and then suddenly coughed several times. "Do you like them?" He asked with a smile.

Gu Xiaoxian nodded. She had checked the price tag in the fitting room and couldn't believe in the number on it. How could a pair of trousers worth over ten thousand yuan? She herself wouldn't even worth so much money! She had been to the market in her hometown and witnessed the bargaining. She knew that those ridiculous prices were just bluffing.

"Manager," Gu Nianbin called, "Name a price."

The manager looked at him, "One hundred…"

One of the shop assistants around couldn't help but snicker. She covered her mouth and hid herself immediately when receiving a glance from Gu Nianbin.

Du Xiaoxian had always been timid in front of strangers. But this price was so high that she raised her voice, " hundred?!" She could only earn a few hundred yuan by raising a pig with hard work. A pair of jeans as expensive as a pig leg? Unworthy.

Seeing her response, the manager became dumbfounded. It was an over 90% discount. Was it still too expensive for her?

Gu Nianbin asked, "One hundred for the pants? Or for the set?"

The manager understood him immediately, "For the set, of course."

"That's more like it." Gu Nianbin pulled Du Xiaoxian over and whispered, "What do you think? Clothes here are a little more expensive than those from your hometown. I think the price is fair."

Du Xiaoxian pursed her lips and stroked the jeans. She liked them and they fitted her well. However, the price was… But the young master was right. Prices in big cities were definitely higher. Besides, the young master was a businessman who knew how to bargain and what was a reasonable price. However, it was still too expensive for her. How could she wear such expensive clothes?

Gu Nianbin became anxious at her silence. He suddenly saw a few pair of loafers on display. He then raised his eyebrows and said to the manager, "Could you please give us a pair of shoes for free, since we have bought a whole set?"

The manager didn't get him at first, "Well…"

Du Xiaoxian pulled at Gu Nianbin's clothes and whispered, "Sir, forget it. It's too expensive."

He patted her hand with a smile and looked up at the manager, "We won't buy the clothes if you don't give us the shoes."

The manager had now recalled his requirement and therefore maintained his sour expression and said reluctantly, "Alright then, a pair of shoes for free."

Du Xiaoxian smiled. Now it was quite a bargain. She nodded at Gu Nianbin vigorously.

Gu Nianbin, the manager and all the shopping assistants were relieved.

She picked a pair of light blue loafers.

Du Xiaoxian left the boutique with a brand-new look. She was beaming with content, carrying a bag of the old clothes in her hand. Gu Nianbin looked at her and was cheered up somehow. He suddenly thought of a sentence from a book: "Happiness is contagious." Was he infected by Du Xiaoxian now?

After they got in the car, Gu Nianbin asked Xiaoding to keep the windows half open and drive slowly. Natural wind came in and the car was slow and steady. Du Xiaoxian got used to it gradually and didn't feel dizzy anymore.

At this time, Gu Nianbin received a call from Zhou Ting. She was calling to ask whether to cancel the planned meeting this morning since he didn't show up till now.

Gu Nianbin thought for a while and said, "Get ready for the meeting. I'll be there in ten minutes."

Overhearing it, Du Xiaoxian said at once, "Sir, please don't let me hold you up if you are busy. I can go to school by myself."

"Do you know where the school is?" Gu Nianbin threw his phone aside and turned to her.

"I can find it if you tell me." She raised her small face with her eyes shining brightly. Armed in the new outfit, she was a bit more courageous than usual and said confidently, "I didn't get lost all the way from my hometown to the Gu Mansion. Going to school is a piece of cake."

Gu Nianbin was fascinated by her confident look. She was now shining with youthful spirit and vigor. Girls should be like this, don't they?

Actually, he could ask Xiaoding to drive her to school and take a taxi to the company himself. But somehow, he didn't do so but asked Xiaoding to drive back to the company.

"Xiaoxian," he said while looking at his watch, "It's already too late for school. How about going to school this afternoon?"

"OK." She nodded obediently. She would do what the young master told her to without any doubt.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Gu's Company. Du Xiaoxian had never been to such a magnificent office building before, so she got nervous again. Instinctively, she was afraid of all unfamiliar things. The staff walking by all looked at her with surprise while greeting to Gu Nianbin. They looked shocked and disdainful. She was even more frightened by their sights and thus bowed her head and hid behind Gu Nianbin like an ostrich chick.

Gu Nianbin walked in front and didn't notice her expression. But he sensed her fear as she was following him closely. He stretched his arm back and she grabbed it naturally. At this moment, Gu Nianbin felt that his heart was softly touched and his face looked even tender. He was relied on by many people: his parents, younger sister, employees, and even friends. He had an obligation to them. However, this was different. Du Xiaoxian's reliance made him feel joyful and content.

Zhou Ting was heading to the meeting room with a stack of documents when she saw Gu Nianbin emerging from the end of the corridor. She walked up to him and noticed a little girl behind him when drawing near. The girl looked timid, holding the boss’s arm tightly. This was a weird scene for Zhou Ting. She had been working with Gu Nianbin for five years, and had never seen him being so intimate with any woman…Could this be called intimate?

Her boss had always been poker-faced and aloof to women. But now…his face was still calm but his eyes were full of warmth. It seemed that he was in a good mood.

Being the principal secretary for five years, Zhou Ting believed herself quite observant. But she failed to tell the relationship between her boss and that little girl. Are they lovers? The timid little girl couldn't be his type. If not, why didn't her boss, a neat freak, get rid of the girl as she grabbed him so tightly? It was weird either way.

Gu Nianbin walked over, took the documents and said, "You don't have to participate in the meeting. Please take care of my guest."

"Yes, sir." Zhou Ting nodded and glanced at the little girl.

Gu Nianbin nudged the girl to the front and softened his voice, "Xiaoxian, I'm going to have a meeting. Miss Zhou will lead you to my office. She will take care of you, okay?"

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