

Sihana Caden

I know about everything! His plans to take those families down?

"Dad, what are you saying? How in the world did you know that?

Because I am Zayn Caden. Look, Sia, that's why you need to stay away from that guy. He's not good for you, he's a dangerous guy who doesn't suit you. Besides, you don't need any guy in your life. I'm here for you and so are your brothers too"


"What?" He asked back in a nonchalant tone. This man always acts possessive and protective all the time when I'm not even his girlfriend! He has his wife, for goodness sake.

"I'm 23 years old for goodness sake! You can't expect me to be with you guys forever! To be under your protection for years! It's not done that way, daddy!"

"But you're still young. You don't need any guy in your life now. We are the only guy you need for now" Aiden said.

"Oh shut up! Charlotte and I are of the same age. How about you forget about her and engross yourself more on work instead" I said but he end up glaring at me
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