



I've been looking for this girl for some time now until I finally got to a river in our pack, the river side is very calm and relaxing. I was about to turn and leave when I saw something like a shadow and decided to walk towards it.

I finally saw that the person there was Camille as I watched her get lost in her thoughts. I linked Liam and called of the search, telling him that I've found her.

She stood up as she was about to leave and then stopped as she saw me. She wasn't sure who it was as she continued looking, until I came out from the dark side I was standing since.

"You have got some explaining to do" I said angrily as I walked up to her. The person we are here looking is busy relaxing and enjoying herself.

"A-alpha" she stuttered, her eyes widened in surprise as to what I was doing here.

"Do you know, you just interrupted my dinner and caused me and other people the trouble of looking for you?" I growled in her face as she shaked her head and
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