
A lying, cheating bag of d****.

Luka pov

“Yeah, sounds gross, doesn’t it? Like an ass worm, but I think it isn’t quite in her ass because apparently it can control her. But no biggie, Than and Laz are dealing with that issue and everything should be all fine when we return home.” Lenox announces, rather happy.

I’m about to question him, but clearly, he has more to add. “Dude, I miss a proper dinner. I think my stomach has started eating itself and I will start losing my good bits soon if I don’t get a nice steak meal anytime soon.” He groans.

Honestly, I think he wants to change the topic. Why? I have no idea, but here we are.

“I get that you’re hungry, we’re in the same boat, brother. But if we can, it would be better if we returned to that whole worm and Sarah situation.” I try to press the topic I’m most interested in.

Lenox’ body tenses even as he keeps striding, but not a word leaves him. I worry my brother has something awful in his mind. Lenox isn’t one to give me all the details if he believes that the s
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Man hopefully Sara beats the leech and can get through to Lenox he needs to know they will love him no matter what and they will keep him from hurting them

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