
My ass feels a little bigger.

Felix pov

The crazy bastard holds me close enough for anyone to mistake us for actual lovers. If I wouldn’t know better, I would assume he’s actually planning to kiss me.

I should've known better. I shouldn’t have gotten involved in this madness. First and foremost, when I first heard his name and last name be involved in the conversation, I should have listened to my instincts and ran as far away as possible.

But no. Of course, I didn’t do it, so now, I’m dealing with the consequences of my own stupidity. If only I could for once listen to the inner voice and follow its command, that would be amazing.

“It’s not here for us,” Lenox whispers.

I know I should feel freaking relieved at the words, but for some reason, I’m having the complete opposite reaction. Cold shivers run down my spine at those words and his grip on me tightens.

Just because he claims that thing isn’t here for us, it seems that it doesn’t make it any less dangerous to be near to.

“That’s the tracker, Lenox.”

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