
Chapter 180


“As you know, spells are divided into classes, which are elements. Fire, water, wind and earth,” Aunt Axera said as she paced in front of me.

I stood rigidly to the ground, palms made into tight fists as I listened to her. Her eyes found me and she continued.

“Some spells differ however, like the healing and protection spell. There is one more spell, one which I will not mention.”

I cocked my head with my eyebrows raised. I wanted to question her on what spell she was talking about, but the look on her face told me that she was not willing to talk about it.

So, I reserved my question, waiting on her.

“Now, these elements each have grades, or levels. If you want to become a very strong witch, then, you would need to be able to cast a grade five spell with ease.”

“Grade five?”

Aunt Axera nodded. “Yes. Grade five is the highest level for any spell.”

I swallowed hard. Grade five. It seemed far and out of my reach, but I wanted to get there no matter how gruelling this trai
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