
Chapter 104


"Actually, Lily, now's not the time; Adler was on some serious shit last night," Kyra had said as she walked out the door, "Hopefully, nothing takes you to the training ground."

Needless to say, something did.

I could hear the howling and cheers of the men as I neared the door,

Adler was furious; I had seen it in his eyes when he looked at Salvatore the night before. It wouldn't have mattered if it had been just the crucifix, but that his consigliere, for some reason, any reason, held my spare key; I could see where he was coming from.

I hated that I couldn't explain with the truth, hated that if I'd ever wanted to clear the air, it would be with something so vague it couldn't stand.

But if I were to talk with him, explain deeply that it wasn't what he thought, maybe sprinkle a little fallacy… ugh, I hated my life right now—I never thought a day would come when I'd have to lie to him.

Even though I hadn't found that particular lie, It still hurt. Why couldn't every day b
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