
Chapter 50

Writer's pov

"Wow!" Davis exclaimed happily as Thanatos handed him a cup of ice cream.

Thanatos moved his gaze to the ferris wheel, then back to Davis who's already wolfing down his ice cream.

"Did you have fun riding the wheel?" He asked.

"Yeah.. can we come tomorrow? Can we? Can we?" Davis asked, bouncing up and down.

Thanatos took his tiny hand in his large ones and they headed towards his car.

"We can come another day, but not tomorrow"

Davis stopped walking at once, he snatched his hand from Thanatos.

"You said you will bring me to the park everyday!" Davis whined.

He pouted his lips and gave Thanatos an accusing glare.. Thanatos squatted to his level and held Davis face in his hands.

"Davis, we can't sneak out tomorrow because it's Saturday... and also, we had so much fun today that we lost track of time.. your momma's gonna be so worried and she's gonna scold us when we get home"

He wiped off a lone tear that was running down Davis's cheek, he smiled.

"We'll come another, but
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