


Even though Jay assured me no one was in the house, I still tiptoed to the dining room for fear of the unforeseen.

“You don't have to tiptoe. No one is around. And why do you have to walk on shells as if you hadn't been here before.”

Back then, I was a maid. It was different now. Besides, he hadn't introduced me as his girlfriend nor had he said the three words to me.

He pulled out a seat for me. “Sit down and dig in. I made these myself.”

“You mean you microwaved these yourself.”

He glanced at me and smiled. “With love.”

At least he knew his way around the kitchen and made an effort to impress me. That was good for a start. “You owe me a proper dinner, you know that right?”

“Now that we are talking about that. When are you paying your debt?”

True. My debt. What a refreshing way to demand for your money from your debtor. Capon and the others would cringe at this sight. I almost smiled at the thought.

“I thought you weren't very interested in me paying back.”

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