
Chapter 879

Millie clapped happily and circled around Mona.

“Did you come around?”

Thaddeus’ voice was heard coming from the door. He held his arms and leaned against the door with a casual look on his face.

Mona looked at him and ignored him. Neither had she come around,= nor would she let this go. She only decided to go home for the sake of the kids.

Thaddeus took out his phone and called the driver to pick them up.

Mona went into Linda’s house, packed her suitcase, and conveniently cleaned up the house. She left a note before she left.

Thaddeus took her suitcase and took the kids downstairs.

Mona locked the door and was about to leave when she suddenly saw a figure flashing past and disappearing into the storage room from the corner of her eye. Her heart skipped a bit, and she thought about the incident of the scary doll being placed on the doorstep.

“Who is it?”

The storage room was a small room without a lock. It was especially used to pile up old discarded items. There was
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