

Before he could react, the coach ended the short break. Keyla smiled at him before going back to the bench and sitting down next to Kojiro. She was proud of her two boys for not trying to force her to talk and just leaving her alone. That which they otherwise didn't do. Increasingly she relaxed and smiled more often again.

After practice they drove home, Keyla went straight upstairs to pack, Kojiro sat down in the living room while Genzo followed her upstairs. Leaning against the door, he watched her pack. When she was done, she walked towards him, put her arms around his neck and looked at him

*don't worry so much, I'll definitely be back. I won't leave you alone, not after everything we've been through* she reinforced her words with a kiss

*you don't know how much I love you* Genzo smiled at her, because he hadn't expected the words at all

*oh I don't know? Then show me* she looked at him demandingly before pulling him onto the bed. Genzo was now completely taken by surprise, but ag
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