
Chapter 48 – I Have To Know

(Jessamine’s POV)

I arched my head backward, gasping as I saw Rick tying my hands against the metal headboard. My heart pounded hard, hurting my chest as I lost the excitement, replacing it with extreme fear and stress.

“N-No!” I cried, writhing my hands to escape from the rope. My eyes were wide, horrified as I tried to break free from the familiar metal ornamental butterfly in the center of the headboard.

“Jessamine.” It was Aiden calling me, but his voice seemed distant.

“Aiden!” I cried, turning my head from side to side, hoping someone could explain why I was back in the dark bedroom. “Help! Aiden, help me.”

My heart hammered, seeing Rick whistling toward the bed and tying my foot to the metal footboard. I squirmed, screaming when he caught my other foot and tied it, spreading my legs.

“Help!” I cried, wriggling my body when he climbed on top of me. “Please, help me!” I wept, breaking down. I screamed in pain when he thrust his manhood into my core, pounding hard despite my
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