
Chapter 11: Numb

A week passed in the blink of an eye and I still felt like I was living in a haze of my former life and self. After securing the alliance with the Silver Fang pack, Alpha Xander continued to “shop” for mates for his daughter and Beta Marcus’s daughter. It was another Friday and since I was technically unmated until Callen returned to retrieve me and complete the mate bond, I was still expected to show up and meet the next batch of wolves Alpha Xander was bringing in.

School was coming to a close with next week being final exams. I just had to finish my exams and then I could get the hell out of here. Luckily, I made good enough grades that I could exempt almost all my finals. I just had to show up on Monday for three finals and I was officially done! I wasn’t going to tell anyone else that since that would just move the timetable up on when Callen could return, but maybe I could pull myself together and take some time to recenter? 

Marci and Callie were so envious that Callen chose me that they didn’t even bother speaking to me anymore. They left me alone at school, especially once the word finally did get out that I was being mated to the infamous Alpha Callen of the Silver Fang pack. People started calling me ‘Luna Celeste’ - even the teachers! Girls that I had a class with freshman year seemed to come out of the woodwork asking to take a selfie with me and sign their yearbook as Luna Celeste. It was somewhat ridiculous how the school was making me out like a celebrity. It was also annoying because I was never EVER left alone anymore, which made it even harder to study and get my actual work done.

As I headed to my car to go home from school for the day, Joan ran up to me,” Hey Celeste! You haven’t hung out with all of us lately. Is everything okay? I bet you're super busy preparing to become a LUNA!” 

I smile, “Yeah…just busy. Trying to get the hell out of here!” We laugh as I unlock my car door and start getting in.

“Do you need a ride home?” I ask her.

“Well...I was gonna ride with Emi but I’ll ride with you!” She said cheerily and got in the passenger side.

We headed to my house so I could start getting ready to meet the next visiting pack’s Alpha and Beta with Marci and Callie. I guess I have been in more of a funk than I realized. I just couldn’t accept what my future had in store for me. The more I processed what Callen said and did to me, the more confused I became. I knew he scared the living daylights out of me, but I also knew that what we did that night in my bedroom was…erotic…and powerful…and scared the shit out of me…but he…I just don’t know what to think. He definitely asserted his dominance over me and punished me for my disrespect, but at the same time, he never ‘hurt’ me. Everything he did that could be considered pain, was followed by waves of pure bliss or euphoria. I didn’t want to admit it, but the sex was undeniably erotic and exotic! I should be slapping myself for admitting that. That’s why I was so confused. Did he really want to hurt me and did he really mean everything he said or was he just saying those things to me because I was saying them to him? 

I don’t know where to go from here. I feel like I was a colorful flower and now…I’m just an ugly grey and black withering and dying flower. No matter what I was actually feeling, I knew I needed to find a way out of this whole situation without hurting the ones I love and my pack. 

I was conflicted. I clearly saw two paths ahead in my future. One took me to a position of power and prestige but left me broken and lonely on the inside. The other took me to a world of possibilities, a bright future, college, and beyond that who knows? But that’s just it…after that, no one knows. That thought, I believe, sent my stomach into a knot. I could still find my mate, but it’s too late. Callen already mated me technically even though he hasn’t marked me. 

Traditionally, for a she-wolf to be considered ‘mated’, the wolf has to mark her while mating her or before mating her before it is official. SO, since that hasn’t happened, I’m still ‘free’ whatever that means for now. 

With all the mixed emotions and changes coming, all I knew was I had to get away from Callen and I would do anything, in exchange for true freedom, even if that meant giving up a life of power and prestige. 

“Ahh, Celeste, so glad you arrived on time this time!” Luna Leslie commented to me on my arrival at the packhouse. 

“Good evening Luna, Alpha,” I said, greeting them both keeping my head down and neck out to show my respect and submission to them.

“Tonight you girls will be escorted by an alpha and beta from a smaller pack, but nonetheless, I expect you all to be on your best behavior and make a good impression!” Alpha Xander boasts to us as we get ready to greet the visitors in the entryway of the packhouse.

“Yes Alpha,” I say as Marci and Callie nod their heads.

When they walk in, I can tell they are ready to party. They are YOUNG and close in age to us. These wolves probably have no intention of settling down anytime soon, especially if none of us are their mates. 

“Alpha Stanley, Beta Daniel, it is so good to see you again! I’m sorry to hear about your father, but I know he would be proud of you!” Alpha Xander says as the guests enter the house.

“Thank you Alpha Xander!” Alpha Stanley says shaking Alpha Xander’s hand, “and who do we have here? Surely these beauties are mated already!” 

“This is my daughter Marci, Beta Marcus’s daughter Callie, and Gamma Dave’s daughter Celeste. They will be your tour guides tonight and show you all the sights and highlights of our town. Please enjoy your evening! We can discuss business in the morning.” Alpha Xander introduces us and encourages us all to head back out the door.

“That’s awfully kind of you Alpha Xander. Thank you for your hospitality,” Beta Daniel chimes into the conversation. 

“Have a good evening ladies!” Luna Leslie says as we all leave.

As we drive around town, I got the impression that Alpha Xander must have threatened Marci and Callie within an inch of their lives about ditching these guys because they both had expressions on their faces like someone shit in their cereal as we drove into the ‘Blue Light District’ better known as the party area of town where all the bars and clubs were. 

“So ladies, where to first?” Beta Daniel asks.

“Umm…I don’t know, how about Howler’s Hub?” I suggest looking at Marci and Callie for approval. They give me looks of disdain and say nothing, so I guess they don’t care.

“Sure!” Alpha Stanley says as he turns into the parking lot for the nightclub. 

In the club, the first thing I do is go to the bar and work on getting wasted. After last week's events, I needed to forget myself tonight and I needed to feel numb all over even if for just one night. Marci and Callie stuck to Alpha Stanley and Beta Daniel as they entered the club. 

As I sat at the bar chasing my buzz, I sat on my phone and checked my text messages.

Satan: I hope you are behaving yourself little one?

Me: What’s it to you?

Satan: Everything! Have you forgotten so soon that you are MINE? Do I need to come back earlier to make sure and remind you?

Me: Ugh! No! I’m fine.

Satan: That’s what I want to hear, however, I am disappointed you don’t need to be punished yet. 

I didn’t even want to think about Callen right now. I was drinking to forget him! When he got my cell phone number and started texting me, I named him as ‘Satan’ in my contacts and made his ring tone the chorus to ‘I Hate Everything About You’ by Three Days Grace. I know it’s a super old song, but I think it fits well with how I feel about him at the moment, minus the love part. 

I noticed that Joan texted me too.

Joan: Hey bitch! What’s happening? Need a wing-woman?

Me: Hey chick! Sure! I’m at Howler’s Hub. Get this! Marci and Callie are actually here! 

Joan: SHUT UP! This I have to see! Be there in 30 bitch!

Me: RIGHT? LMAO! They look like deers in headlights! LoL!

Joan: I BET! Bitches never go out! Bahaha! See you soon!

Me: See you! Text me when you get here. I’m at the bar working on my buzz.

Joan: Will do!

Once Joan got to the club, I felt a little more at ease. I missed my friends and I had been hiding out and avoiding everyone as much as possible all week as if that was possible. Everyone at school knew who I was now.

“Soooo…spill the deets!” Joan said sipping on her crown and coke.

“Not much to say…I’m avoiding this Alpha and Beta.” I hiccup as I order another drink.

“Awww that’s so sweet! Did you tell them you’re soon to be mated?”

“FUCK NO!” I blurt out. My buzz was coming on strong now that I had a few drinks, but the bartender seemed to be making them weak tonight. There must be more humans here tonight than wolves.

“WHY?” Joan sounded and looked shocked.

“This may come as a shock to you Joan, but I don’t want to be mated to Callen! He’s a monster!”

Joan crinkled her brows and looked shocked, “What happened?”

“I need a LOT more drinks before I can get to that. Let’s just say, he wants me because I have a pretty face and he needs an heir.” I sip on my newly poured drink.

“Aww, sweetie! I’m so sorry!” Joan hugged me.

I wanted to break down in tears and tell her everything, but I held it all back. I couldn’t lose my composure in a nightclub, especially when I’m supposed to be here with an alpha and beta. 

“Yeah, well…it is what it is. I just have to figure out how to get out of it! Alpha Xander used his Alpha command on me and forced me to accept. My dad didn’t keep his promise.” I looked down at my feet.

“When do you finish finals?”


“Have you decided which college you would choose? Is Callen at least letting you still do college?”

“No, I think I’m going to go to UT. Callen won’t let me though. He says I can go to UCLA since it’s near his pack.”

“Hmmm…” Joan has a mischievous look on her face but says nothing as Alpha Stanley comes up behind me.

“Hey precious. Drinking alone?” He asks.

“No, this is my friend Joan. Joan, Alpha Stanley.” I introduce them.

“It’s nice to meet you, Alpha Stanley!” Joan shakes his hand and looks down to show respect and submission.

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, Joan. Now let me buy you, ladies, another drink! We got a couch over in the VIP section. You two should come to join us!”

I smile and look at Joan, “Okay!” Joan pipes up as we both get up and take the new drinks Alpha Stanley ordered for us to follow him to the couch.

The night went actually pretty pleasant, but it didn’t take me long to find that perfect spot of drunkenness before I decided to play my game of revenge on Callen.

“Alpha Stanley…” I hiccup as I see Callie and Marci both grinding up on Beta Daniel on the dance floor.

“I think I drank a little too much. Would you mind taking me home now?” I look at Joan with a smirk.

‘Giiiiirrrrllll you’re playing a dangerous game if you’re going to do what I think you’re going to do!’ Joan mind-links me.

‘Shhhhh…I have to get this…stench of his off me! I don’t care how! If I’m just going to be his eye candy and incubator I’m going to make him change his mind!’


‘I hope you know what you’re doing.’

‘I’ll be fine. See you later!’

“Sure thing precious! Let me just let my beta know to call an uber for him and the girls and we can leave.”

I nod as I finish my last drink. I needed a lot of liquid courage for this.

As we drove back to the packhouse, I pretended to feel sick so he would pull over. I waited until we were out of the center of town where no one would see us.

“I’m not feeling great, can you pull over?” 

“Sure thing!” He pulls into a little side street that looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time. I get out and go over to stand over the ditch and pretend to heave.

Alpha Stanley gets out and comes around to rub my back, “Are you going to be okay?”

I nod, “Yeah…false alarm. Thank you though!” I smile, standing up and turning around to put my hands on his muscular chest. I look up and look him in the eyes and feign innocence. 

“You’re so beautiful,” He says, mesmerized by my look.

I smile, “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“I didn’t want to say anything out of respect…but I can smell another wolf on you.” 

I blush and continue to play innocent, “Yeah…I just broke up with my boyfriend. I found out he cheated on me after we last mated. So…sorry to disappoint…I’m not a virgin.” 

He smiles as if he’s now excited, “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Well…there is one thing,” I act bashful but then look up and go for it and kiss him deeply. Just as I hoped, he took the bait and deepened the kiss. I opened my mouth to allow him entrance and he wrapped his arms around my waist and walked me backward back to his SUV, where he opened the back seat and instructed me to slide in on my back. 

I did as he instructed and pulled my panties down and my skirt up for him. He was very happy with this and climbed in on top of me and began to undo his pants to release his throbbing appendage. 

“Are you going to shut the door?” I giggled.

He looked back, “Shit! Sorry!” He quickly shut the door so we could have privacy…as if being on a deserted road on the outskirts of town wasn’t private enough.

I snickered, “It’s okay…come here!” I hold my arms out to welcome him back on top of me. 

He smirks and comes down on top of me, locking lips with me, our tongues battling for dominance. I had to have a little fun.

He wasted no time sliding his member into my entrance but was very gentle about it. I let out an enjoyable moan as he gave me a moment to adjust to his size before he began moving in and out of me slowly. 

“Ohh…yes…that feels so good!”

“You’re so beautiful!” He groaned as he began kissing down my neck.

“Faster!” I instructed him and he began pumping in and out of me faster and faster. With the booze in my system, the combination of feelings coursing through my body was a state of numb bliss that I had been chasing all night. I began to feel a build-up inside me and urged him on, “MMMM….YES!” I screamed.

“You like that precious?” He smirked as he continued his thrusts faster and faster.

“GODDESS YES! HARDER!” I screamed and wrapped my legs around his waist and began sucking on his neck where his mate’s marking spot should be. 

“FUCK!” He slammed into me hard and fast and I felt the familiar sensation beginning to peak inside me.

“OHHHH!!! I…I…I’m cumming!” I moaned as I released him and felt a wave of complete bliss course through my body. That’s what I needed. Immediately, my whole body relaxed and I instantly felt exhausted.

My pussy was throbbing and soon he was to his climax, “I want you to cum all over me!” I instructed him as I pulled my skirt even higher for him to cum on my pubic area and stomach.

“Fuck that’s so hot!” And with that, he pulled out and I immediately grabbed his cock and started stroking it fast to try and help him finish, and soon enough he began to spurt his essence. I leaned further back as it splashed all over my stomach and pubic area.

I moaned, “Mmmm…yes,” and leaned over to lick the last of it off the tip of his cock. That sent a visible shiver down his back.

“Fuck…you are precious!” He smirked, wiping the loose strands of my hair out of my face as I sucked him off a little to make sure all his cum was out and in me or on me somewhere.

“Do you have…um…something for me to clean up with?” I blushed as we finished.

He looked around and realized he didn't so he pulled his shirt off, “Here, you can use my shirt. I have clean ones at the packhouse.”

“Thanks.” I wiped myself clean and adjusted myself so I looked as if nothing happened.

Alpha Stanley drove me home and dropped me off before saying good night. I just hope he doesn’t expect a repeat tomorrow night.

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