


My entire body felt like it had been doused in gasoline and lit with a match as I watched the night descend.

“Are you sure about this? Your Highness? Your brother-” Klein Markov’s throaty whisper made a muscle beat in my eye and he shut up as if sensing that I was on the verge of exploding.

How dare he? After everything Gotham had done for them? I had seen signs earlier, there was no one but myself to blame for this fucking mess.

Ten thousand able-bodied soldiers had been drafted from Gotham to defend the Viper pack from Cove’s deadly attacks, and they had won, because of me.

That smarmy little bastard with his slick black hair that was more full of gel than actual hair had won because of ME. Because I risked the safety of MY pack, to protect him.

“My brother knows damned well who his Alpha is. I suggest you pledge your loyalties now as well.” I growled, throwing the lithe-bodied wolf a scathing look over my shoulder and watching the meaning sink into his eyes before he
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