
176-lair of the beast

Michael Gotham

The weight pressed against my chest when I awoke with a start hardly felt real.

Elena. I cursed inwardly.

I hadn't imagined sleeping for this long! It was a wonder we weren't woken by Anthony’s raging shouts in the forest.

How long had we been out? The ball of desire in my groin tightened when Elena moaned in her sleep, pushing her naked body harder against mine where she had tucked herself into my side.

The breath hitched in my throat when I glanced around the dimly lit room, yellowed by the sun that steadily rose over the horizon and fell in slants through the high curtains of the windowed room.

The soft sound of her breathing was like a bucket of ice water to my raging chest and I brushed my knuckles over her high, porcelain cheekbones, unable to resist the bond of attraction between us.

“Elena?” I whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips before stretching to my feet and watching her screw her eyes open with a deep groan.

“Michael? Are you leaving already? At least st
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