
69-Recovery is a Bitch


It was the soft beeping of the old heart monitor that reached my ears first when I opened my eyes.

I groaned, trying to sit up and falling back into the comforter with a distressed hiss when white hot pain exploded in my temples.

“Shit! She's awake! Get the nursemaids, FAST.” A man’s deep baritone boomed somewhere around me followed by the frantic shuffling of feet as I struggled to open my eyes.

“Hey, you're okay, thank fuck, you're okay,” It was Anthony’s stern face that blurred into view when I managed to screw my eyes open, feeling my skin heat up when his fingers traced the lines on my forehead.

“Anthony? Where’s Michael?” I murmured, glancing around the dimly lit room as discomfort and desire intertwined in my belly.

I could smell his heady earth and forest scent on his breath and it took my mind to places I would rather not go…to the memory of his big, strong hands cupping around my breasts and the hard length of his cock pressing insistently on my sex.

I watched a
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